Legal Notice

  • Trade name: The Ocean Spell Surf Travel Agency
  • Fiscal identification number/Tax ID: ES25734804N
  • Address: The Ocean Spell Avda Inmaculada Concepcion 33 . 29631 Málaga, Spain
  • Email:
  • On this space, the user can find all the information about the legal terms and conditions defining the relationships between users and us as persons responsible for this web. As a user, it is important that you know these terms before continuing surfing.

    The Ocean Spell team as people responsible for this web, we take on the commitment of processing the information about our users and clients with full guarantees and complying with the national and European requirements regulating the gathering and use of the personal data of our users.

    This web therefore rigorously complies with Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council as of April 27, 2016 on protection of natural persons (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 as of December 5 on Personal Data Protection and guarantee for the digital rights (LOPDGDD), as well as Act 34/2002 as of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

    General conditions on use

    These General Conditions regulate the use (including the simple fact of accessing) of the web pages composing the website of The Ocean Spell, including the contents and services made available in them. Any person accessing the web, (“user”) agrees to abide by the General Conditions in force at any time of the portal

    Personal data we require and how we do it

    Read Privacy Policy.

    Commitments and obligations of users

    The user is informed and accepts that accessing this web in no way entails the beginning of a trade relation with The Ocean Spell. This way, the user agrees to use the website, its services and contents without violating the legislation in force and the good will and the public order.

    It is forbidden to use this web for illegal or injurious purposes or for any purposes that can in any way cause detriment or prevent the normal functioning of the website. Regarding the contents on this web, it is forbidden to:
    • Its reproduction, distribution or modification, either total or partial, unless its legitimate holders authorise it;
    • Any violation of the rights of the service renderer or the legitimate holders;
    • Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.
    In using the web,, the user agrees to have no conduct that may damage the image, interests and rights of The Ocean Spell or of third parties or that may damage, render useless or overload the portal or that may hinder, in any way, the normal use of the web.

    However, the user must be aware of the fact that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not completely reliable and, therefore, they cannot guarantee the inexistence of malware or other elements that can cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the user or in his/her electronic documents and files contained therein, though we include all necessary means and opportune security measures to avoid the presence of these harmful elements.

    Security measures

    The personal data communicated by the user to The Ocean Spell can be stored in automated or non-automated databases, the exclusive owner of which is Silvia De San Laureano, which assumes all technical, organizational and security measures guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information included therein, pursuant to what is established in the ruling regulation on data protection.

    The communication between users and uses a safe channel and the transmitted data are encrypted thanks to https protocols; therefore, we guarantee the best security conditions for the confidentiality of users to be guaranteed.

    Conflict resolution platform

    We also make available to users the conflict resolution platform provided by the European Commission that is available in the following link:

    Intellectual and industrial property rights

    By virtue of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the modality of making available, either totally or partially, of the contents of this web page for commercial purposes, in any support and by way of any technical medium, is strictly forbidden without the authorization of The Ocean Spell. The user agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights held by Silvia De San Laureano.

    The user knows and accepts that the whole website, non-thoroughly containing the text, software, contents (including their structure, selection, arrangement and presentation) podcasts, photos, audiovisual material and graphs, is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other legitimate rights, pursuant to the international treaties to which Spain is part and other Spanish property rights and laws.

    If a user or a third party considers that there has been a violation of his/her legitimate intellectual property rights due to the presentation of a certain content on the web, he/she must notify The Ocean Spell of said circumstance, indicating:
    • Personal data of the interested party holding the allegedly violated rights, or indicate what entitles one to act as a representative, if the claim is filed by a third party other than the interested party;
    • Indicate the contents protected by the intellectual property rights and their location on the web, the accreditation of the mentioned intellectual property rights and the express statement by which the interested party is held accountable for the truth of the information provided in the notification.

    External links

    The web pages provide links to other websites of our own and to contents owned by third parties, such as:
    • Tools
    • Resources
    • Content from other blogs
    • Affiliate Links
    The sole purpose of the links is to provide the user with the possibility of accessing said links.

    The Ocean Spell shall not be held accountable for the results that can derive from the user accessing said links.

    Likewise, the user will find, within this website, advertising pages, programmes of members that access the surfing habits of users to establish profiles. This information is always anonymous and the user is not identified.

    The information provided in these sponsored websites or links to members is subject to the privacy policies used in said websites and shall not be subject to this privacy policy. Therefore, we strongly recommend users to thoroughly read the privacy policies of the links to members.

    The user intending to establish any technical linking device from his/her website to the portal must obtain previous and written authorization from a director of The Ocean Spell surf travel agency. Establishing the link shall not imply the existence of any relations between and the owner of the website on which the link is established, neither shall it entail acceptance or approval by of its contents or services.

    Exclusion of guarantees and responsible party

    The Ocean Spell Surf Travel Agency team does not bestow any guarantee nor is it to be held accountable for the damages of any sort whatsoever that can result from:
    • Lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the web or its services and contents;
    • Existence of malware, malicious or injurious programmes in the contents;
    • Illegal, neglectful, fraudulent use or any use contrary to this Legal Notice;
    • Lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services rendered by third parties and made available to users on the website;
    • The service renderer shall not be held accountable, on no account, for the damage that may result from illegal or undue use of this web page.

    Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

    Overall, the relations between The Ocean Spell and the users of its telematic services existing on this web are subject to the legislation in Spain and to the courts in Málaga.


    If any user is in doubt about these legal conditions or any comment about the portal, please contact

    The legal notice has been last updated on March 28, 2024.